January 25, 2021 - Are Trade Wars Class Wars?

April 30, 2018 – Concentration, Monopoly, and Public Policy: The Rise of the FAANGs

April 19, 2018 – Has the Welfare State Died before Birth? US Healthcare and Pensions

March 5, 2018 – Free and Unfree Labor: The Political Economy of Capitalism, Share-Cropping, and Slavery

February 12, 2018 – Roots of Iranian Rage: Protest and Power in the Islamic Republic

January 25, 2018 – The Crash of 2008: Ten Years On

June 9, 2017 – Heal Thyself: The Neoliberal Assault on Social Solidarity in the Age of Catastrophe

May 22, 2017 – The Rise of the Right in Japan

May 15, 2017 – The US vs. Russia: Domestic Politics and International Relations

May 11, 2017 – The Politics and Economics of a Decaying Order

April 24, 2017 – The Middle East in Flames: To What End?

March 6, 2017 - Crisis, Austerity, and Right-Wing Populism in Europe - Panel Session

February 6, 2017 - The Age of Trump - Panel Session

June 2, 2016 - Marxist Theory and the Politics of History in Modern Japan - Lecture by Gavin Walker

May 9, 2016 - The Iran-Saudi Deadlock: Domestic Struggles and Geopolitical Conflict in the Persian Gulf - Panel Session

April 25, 2016 - The End of the Chinese Miracle - Panel Session

April 11, 2016 - The 2016 Elections: Sanders and Trump Contest the Party Establishment - Panel Session

February 4th, 2016 - Shifting Into Reverse: Turkey's Domestic, Regional, and Geopolitical Crises - Panel Session

January 14, 2016 - Neoliberal Globalization: The German Experience - Lecture by Dieter Plewhe

November 19, 2015 - The Politics of Labor Market Discipline in Latin America - Lecture by Daniela Campello


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Posters are available for years 2004-2015.

2015 - New Movements

2014 - Rebellion & Reaction II

2013 - Rebellion & Reaction I

2012 - Crisis, Revolution, Reaction

2011 - Since 2008 ...

2010 - Obama's World

2009 - Apocalypse Now

2008 - What Has Changed under GW Bush?

2007 - The Emergence of Asia

2006 - Democracy at the Crossroads

2005 - US Democracy in Question

2004 - American Empire?

Only titles are available for 1989-2003. 

A full list of past meetings, with summaries and working papers, can be found at the Center's former website:

2003 - North and South
2002 - East and West
2001 - Globalization II
2000 - Globalization: Myth or Metamorphosis?
1999 - Threats to Order?
1998 - The United States: Dominant and the Model?
1997 - The End of the Nation State?
1996 - The Meaning of the Market II
1995 - The Meaning of the Market I
1994 - The City
1993 - The New World Economic Disorder
1992 - Nationalism, Nation-States, and Violence
1991 - Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy
1990 - Democracy in Theory and History
1989 - Causes and Consequences of Economic Development